UBC Evangelism Road Trip - Jan 2025
This past MLK weekend, a group of our UW upperclassmen and some college mentors went on a 3 day road trip to University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada. But not just any road trip - an evangelism road trip ! This was a special discipleship getaway to put our faith into practice as we outreached to UBC students and invited them to a special talk on the Christian worldview. To prepare our hearts, we studied Hebrews 12 and learned about the life of Gladys Aylward, a missionary who dedicated her life to China.
Although outreach at UBC campus was challenging, we’re thankful to find a handful of students who were spiritually interested and wanted to learn more about Christianity. For the ones who came to the special talk, they were interested in being further connected with our group, and even wanting to take Course101 (Christian Foundations) online. Proud of our team effort as we tried to meet UBC students!
“The UBC trip was a really challenging but fun way to experience ministry. Personally, I was inspired after seeing the zeal of everyone who came on the trip and I definitely would love to go back again!” - Ethan, UW sophomore.
“For me, God used this trip to grow my heart for UBC in a way I didn’t expect. One student I met was a cultural Buddhist who was very open to spiritual conversation, and he was not the only one who expressed a curiosity about the bigger questions in life. I saw a lack of the answers and purpose that only Jesus provides on UBC campus, and I’m eager to return and watch God work!” - Kyle, UW sophomore.
“The UBC trip definitely took be out of my comfort zone, but it was to a place that God was calling me to go so I'm very glad I said yes and went on the trip and did it all even if I was afraid.” - Isabelle, UW junior.
A2F & Klesis is a college church in Seattle located in UDistrict. We’re also registered student groups at UW Seattle & Seattle U.
We serve college students in the Greater Seattle area including UW Seattle, Seattle U, SPU and more!
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